In this age when EVERY aspect of ones life is just a few clicks away, how much should or do we trust what pops up on a computer screen? What comes up on the screen MIGHT be factual, but the person reading it might just be a total idiot who cant even count to lettuce.
Twice this week I have been a victim of mistaken identity due entirely to stupidity and it is only Tuesday.
First, if you didn't know, my name is Eric D. Carlson. This is a very well established fact. I moved to Maine November 2011. Too bad state employees and temp agency employees do not know this. Oh wait, they do.
This is a recap of what happened with incident 1.
I applied for a job through @Work Personnel Services in Brewer Maine. I know, temp agency, lame job. NO. This was a job that would put me back into the income I was making as a professional in NC 4 years ago and have not seen since. I met every qualification and have the experience to back it up. I figured it was as good as done. The application process was longer than many I have seen but here is some of the info they asked for which is actually standard for many job applications.
Current Physical and Mailing Address
Previous addresses for the last 7 years
Photo copy of SS Card and Drivers License (we know what ID hoops are needed for those)
So we can assume they are pretty damn sure they know who you are. The client that I was applying for also requested a criminal background check, so, why not I have done these before, I have nothing to hide, I am clean. @Work requests that I check in with them (via phone) every week. I was doing this nearly every day, asking specifically about the job I applied for. 3 weeks later, I am getting rather annoyed that I have not heard about it so I call in and ask specifically about this job. I was told that my background check cam back and it was not clean. WHAT?!?!? Yep, according to them I have been arrested here in Maine several times. gong back as far as 1995 (see above info). I told them that this is incorrect info. Their response was a non-response and could only tell me that this is the info that came back from SBI [State Bureau of Identification] when they requested the info with only (pay attention now) First name, Last name and Date Of Birth. Thankfully I have such an unusual name that I can not be mistaken for anyone else. Oh, right, I don't. Next move, call SBI. I talked to to very helpful people over at the SBI, Dave and Dana. They both confirmed that what happens is that the info (name and DOB) is fed into a computer and that uses some algorithm to come up with a close sounding match. Really? Yes. That is right, a close sounding match. I was also informed that for the same price a fingerprint back ground report can be requested by the potential employer. I asked what can I do about this. The only recourse is on me, totally 100% on me. I need to go get fingerprinted, and have a fingerprint based background check done as a challenge, oh and this could take up to 2 weeks. Oh and I am sure the employer will wait on hiring someone so I can do this, right? I called back @Work, and again asked them what they will do. Nothing. But they will email a copy of said report to me, so that I may challenge it, "today or tomorrow." It is now tomorrow, and by 3 PM, no email. I called, and this time asked for the manager and explained what happened and also explained why this should be taken more seriously by @Work. Here is the hypothetical situation I gave them:
"Lets say someone applied for a job, they have a lengthy criminal background, you do the standard haphazard background check that 75% of businesses use and it came back clean because it had a close enough sounding match. This person is then employed and does something consistent with their background, the employer then gets sued by their customer. Who do they come back to? You, and ask to see the background check and compare it with a REAL one provided by the police. Who is then getting sued?" Still nothing they can or will do short of talking to SBI them selves.
Here is where the real idiocy comes, Take a look at the first 2 pages (of 6) of the report that came back, keep in mind ALL the identifying info and documents about ME they have in their possession and What I told you above, about me.
I'll wait.
I'll just let that sink in.
Ya, that is what I thought too. How could they possibly have thought this is me? IT'S NOT EVEN THE SAME NAME!! Did they even read this?
Before I received this I was on my way to the local jail (because that is where I was told (by the police) that I need to go to get finger printed) and while on my way I again, talked to @Work and asked where the email is? I was assured it would be sent today.
At the local county jail I was told that they can NOT just finger print anyone that walks in and asks for it. WHAT? Really? Something in writing from either a potential employer or SBI is needed. Idiocy, again.
So tomorrow guess where I am going. Yep, the jail again, with this report in hand, and also to @Work. I will ask them to pull my file and verify that they do indeed have all the identifying documents they once had and ask them to compare this report with the LEGAL DOCUMENTS they have and then ask them: "What on this report suggests that this is me?"
I may be going to local news outlets (tv/newspaper) with this. This needs attention.
How many jobs have I NOT been hired for due to something like this? How many other people has this happened to?
Moral here, ALWAYS insist on a fingerprint based background check on none at all. Always. It is your right.
Dont get me started on what happened at the DMV today.