I have been neglectful of this line of posts. Sadly neglectful. Here it is nearly a month after my last post on this. Much has happened since the last post. There was one very teary phone call, an email with so much love in it that it made me cry and changed my life. The one thing I can and will quote, that sums it all up is this: "its just not home without you." This mean so much to me. We have mostly worked everything out, we are back together, in love and on our way to a good marriage. We each have our own things to change and work on. Only time will tell what happens with that, but we are now together to help eachother work on them, a nudge here, a gentle reminder there. This came very sudedenly and was a shock to me, it took me by such a surprise that it took a day or 2 for me to fully comprehend it. Working together to "make it work" truly is the only way it will work. This is love, forgiving, taking GIANT leaps of faith for the other. I recognize this. I see the giant leap of faith she has made here, I respect that, cherish that, and have just one more reason to love her for. My Love is now here, in NC with me (across the table from me at this very moment) to spend the final days here at this house, this house that we made home, for 5 years. This was home, but now, home, really is anywhere that we are together. Home is where the love is. Our final days are only the final days in this structure, and we are moving on to a bold new adventure, in living, in love and in life. I can make no promises of what the future holds, but if we have come out on the better side of this, the future looks promising. It is with great, nearly tearful happiness that I end my "Making It Work" posts. We have made it work in one sense, and we are still making it work in another.
True love is unconditional.
My Love, my Sunshine, please remember what brought us here, what brought us to separation, and work at never letting this happen again to us. My fragile heart can not handle that again, it is on the mend, with help from your gentle touch.
i too ask what it was that lead to this situation that you remember as well.. it almost feels to me that my leap of faith is bigger, and i ask that you not let me fall into the spike pit at the bottom. we have both agreed to not let each situation happen again. please don't let me fall..other than in love with you again.
ReplyDeleteI am your map, your guide, to make sure you dont get near the pit, never mind fall into it. As for what got us here, too many little things... let us just focus on what we both want and need from eachother and ourselves, if we meet the need of the other, and the needs of ourselves, there will be no pit to avoid... "there is no spoon."