Yesterday I did something with my dad that i had not done in about 15 years, to my best guess. It was something that was started way back in 1980, when i was 6 years old. He took me to a shooting range. It was something that we enjoyed doing and would often go out with the .22 and go shooting. sometimes at a range, sometimes at a sand pit and sometimes just while out for a walk in the woods. This has begun again with my nephew, dad's grandson, Colin. It wasnt always going out shooting that was the best part, it was being out with dad doing something together that was special about it. I did not see that then, but I do now. Colin does not see that now, but he will, I hope, sooner than I did.
Dad and I have gone our own ways, he and I see eye to eye on very few things. Looking back, in many ways he did raise me right, I have many of his "habits," some good, some well, we will just leave it at that. Things we agree to disagree on are matters of faith, lifestyle, finances and dress. All minor, issues. We go round and round, arguing about it. He gets stressed, I get stressed, nothing gets accomplished. We did this the other day, and damn near daily since i got here. Yesterday was different, yesterday reminded me of why I loved the time we spent together doing something we both love. We dont talk about anything, except for shooting. There are no differences of faith, he doesnt care what I ware, just that we are talking about guns and shooting. Peaceful, no arguing, just fun. I miss this. It makes me sad that I have not been able to keep doing this over the years. I was not allowed to for various reason and various people. The people that wouldnt let me are out of my life, other reasons are still there but can be over looked sometimes. I would love to continue this more often but now I find myslef moving 800 miles away. I do not know when I will be able to do this again. That worries me. Colin ejoys the time too, I think for different reasons, I hope someday he sees what I see in it. I would love to continue this tradition, of putting differences aside, to just be out together having a good time with my boys. Alex is almost the age when my dad started this with me, Kai there is a few years. When the time comes, I hope to also be able to take over for my dad with Colin. He barely knows his cousins, and I think this would be a wonderful way for them to get together.
I will remember this day for many many years, 3 generations, no arguing (ok, minimal arguing) out enjoying something that generations of fathers, sons, nephews, cousins and uncles have enjoyed for life times ago.
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