Time to watch the sun watch us. Is that why they call a time piece a watch?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Decoration Tree (Part 2)

These Lovers did part, but never really parted ways. They each lived, on their own. While on their own, they tended to the two small, similar clippings, watered, fed it, made sure it lived, gave it sun and space to grow. Time passed, the spring sun shown down on this growing tiny tree, each placed it outside to enjoy the warm spring air, in hopes of new leaves budding to life on the tiny tree. The leaves did come and growth did happen. he often thought fondly of his parted lover every time he watered and fed his tiny tree and noticed how it had grown, he had hopes for the tree. She also, often remembered her parted lover, when seeing how the tree had grown, she too had hopes for her tiny tree. As the tiny trees grew, no longer so tiny, but growing nearly half as tall as the lovers were. For time to time, the lovers did meet, but not always as lovers, but as friends. This friendship was the kind that could grow, while together, any tree. Summer came to where the lovers did live, on their own, the leaves of their not so tiny trees grew full, as they met frequently to admire the others tree. They had hopes for their trees. Fall was drawing near, leaves fell, silent on the floor in the warmth of the home, in the sunny window each kept the little tree in, bigger and still bigger pots were soon needed, its roots did grow.
Soon, as time passed, but not so long, the lovers did meet, and see the others tree, it was nearly as tall as she was, and she smiled at how well he had taken care of his little tree. he would ask, frequently, as before, "is it time yet?" Yes, the time had finally come for the plans for the little trees. They had both, grow so well. It was a day for planting and growing, for the tree, and the lovers. They both, with dirty hands, dirty knees, dug the perfect hole to place their trees in, side by side. They watered, fed and cared for their trees together. He would, as before, pull the grass from the trees, side by side, to make sure they grew healthy and strong. Soon, time passed, but not so long, the trees, wound, to and fro round and round one another, until the two small, similar clippings, given as a parting gift for lovers parting, grew as one, but with two distinct trunks. The tree had plans for the lovers. She often looked at how the tree grew, and smiled. He often, saw how the tree grew and also smiled. The tree grew quickly, before long, it was a beautiful tree, many times taller than the lovers were, giving shade to lie under, and protect the lovers. The two decoration trees did grow, as did the lovers, to never part again, yet with two distinct trunks. The tree provided for the lovers, given as a gift, a few times over as a decoration, to decorate their lives.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Decoration Tree (Part 1)

Two Lovers were given a small clipping of a tree. This clipping was used as a decoration, a lovely decoration it was. She wanted to bring it home and keep it. The clipping still in water, started to sprout leaves. An idea she had, to nurture and grow this young tiny tree. As it grew, a larger and larger pot was needed, he would from time to time lovingly replant, feed and water this tree, often asking,"is it time yet?" The time he was asking of was the time to plant it, in their yard, with hopes of shade and beauty from this tree. As months became years, only a couple, the perfect time came. It was a day of planting, and cultivating, a new garden, to replace the old, a new place for a young tree that was too big for its pot now. tiny clipping stood nearly as tall as her. Often he would water, and feed the tree and pull the grass from around it to give it room to grow so that nothing would steal vital nutrients from it. As late summer came, the lovers were to part. As a final parting gift, he clipped 2 similar branches of this tree they both careD so much for. He told her "one for you, one for me, maybe they will both still grow to be another tree." The two lovers did part, with a piece of the decoration tree in hand. Both cared, on their own for the small clipping from the Decoration Tree, and it did grow again to be a tree.
To Save
If you had the training, the skills, to save a life, would you save the life of someone that has caused you great harm? I would.
Random Thought 4
Do not shield nor protect me from the truth, no matter how much it hurts to hear, lies and deceit will always hurt more.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Goodbye Sweet friend
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pictures 08 23 10
Saturday, August 21, 2010
yes, I have been slacking on my photoblog (Phlog!!! LOL) http://www.blipfoto.com/PheenyxFyre. I have not posted a new photo since the 12th of this month.... need to keep that camera with me more. Inspiration finds me at the most odd times and places...
Go check it out sometime.
Go check it out sometime.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Help is nearer than you may think
It is only
A tear
A cry
An out stretched hand
A whisper away.
Always by your side
The willing and able will be
As a weary whisper
Waits on an ear.©
Help is nearer than you may think
It is only
A tear
A cry
An out stretched hand
A whisper away.
Always by your side
The willing and able will be
As a weary whisper
Waits on an ear.©
Endless River
My memory is a river, it is always moving; it is fluid and never runs dry and has no end. Along this river, there are lakes and ponds, some the size of the Great lakes, some a mere toe dipping pond. These lakes have names, names of people, family members, places or something as abstract as a time.
Random Thought 3
People are much like smoke in the air; they are fluid and constantly changing and can not be defined as a specific shape and some of these fluid, floating, indefinables are our friends.
A Secret
Secrets of a Flower
I know the secrets of a flower,
Given in love
From one lover to another.
The fragrant sweet scent
Of the flower I give to you
Reminds me
Of the euphoric scent of you
Held close to me.
As I touch the delicate soft petals
I can only think of
The gentle silken touch
Of your skin to mine.
Its frail fragile presence
Your most tender
Feelings and emotions
So easily broken
Its moist soft inner petals
Opening in bloom
The sensual image
You opening to me
A beautiful place
I often yearn to be
Its very existence
Needs to be nurtured and
Cared for
As our love would die
Without equal care and attention
This flower soon will die
Never to be forgotten
And as I give
Another botanical image of you
Again refreshed
Is our love.
I too should want for a flower
To hold you near to me
When I can not.
I know the secrets of a flower,
Given in love
From one lover to another.
The fragrant sweet scent
Of the flower I give to you
Reminds me
Of the euphoric scent of you
Held close to me.
As I touch the delicate soft petals
I can only think of
The gentle silken touch
Of your skin to mine.
Its frail fragile presence
Your most tender
Feelings and emotions
So easily broken
Its moist soft inner petals
Opening in bloom
The sensual image
You opening to me
A beautiful place
I often yearn to be
Its very existence
Needs to be nurtured and
Cared for
As our love would die
Without equal care and attention
This flower soon will die
Never to be forgotten
And as I give
Another botanical image of you
Again refreshed
Is our love.
I too should want for a flower
To hold you near to me
When I can not.
For you. You know who you are.
You know who you are. I bet you were wondering if this one was going to come out. Well here it is. I know you have read it before, but it still means the same to me.
I still crave.
I have cravings that need to be fed
These cravings are my needs
My desires
There can be no substitute
For what I crave
I crave your touch
Your embrace
Your love
I need what I crave
I crave your strength
Your devotion
Your love
I need to satisfy these cravings
I crave your desire
Your pleasure
Your endless love
There is nothing as satisfying as what I crave
I crave the good
The bad
Your tears of love and joy
I want it all
I crave you
And only you.
I still crave.
I have cravings that need to be fed
These cravings are my needs
My desires
There can be no substitute
For what I crave
I crave your touch
Your embrace
Your love
I need what I crave
I crave your strength
Your devotion
Your love
I need to satisfy these cravings
I crave your desire
Your pleasure
Your endless love
There is nothing as satisfying as what I crave
I crave the good
The bad
Your tears of love and joy
I want it all
I crave you
And only you.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Shadows Do Not Lie
I see in the shadows
What I could look like
What I would look like
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in the shadows
A better man
One of Dignity
One of Respect
An honest man
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in the shadows
A man who is loved
A man who has friends
A man who I want to know.
I see in the shadows
The man i want to be
The man I try to be
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see the shadow who follows me everywhere
Mimicry or mockery?
I see the shadow trying to be me
But always not quite making it
I want to be my shadow
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in my shadow
A man I always wanted to be
I see in my shadow
A man who has always been there
Who is the man
Who is just the shadow of a man?
Come be the light
The light that makes shadow and man
Shadows do not lie.
What I could look like
What I would look like
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in the shadows
A better man
One of Dignity
One of Respect
An honest man
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in the shadows
A man who is loved
A man who has friends
A man who I want to know.
I see in the shadows
The man i want to be
The man I try to be
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see the shadow who follows me everywhere
Mimicry or mockery?
I see the shadow trying to be me
But always not quite making it
I want to be my shadow
Afterall, shadows do not lie.
I see in my shadow
A man I always wanted to be
I see in my shadow
A man who has always been there
Who is the man
Who is just the shadow of a man?
Come be the light
The light that makes shadow and man
Shadows do not lie.
With Me
Come sit with me
Come Love with me
Come live with me
Come drink with me
Come drink in our Love with me
Come drink in life with me
Come play with me
Come share with me
Come be with me
Come walk with me
Come laugh with me
Come talk with me
Come last eternity with me
Come with me.
Come Love with me
Come live with me
Come drink with me
Come drink in our Love with me
Come drink in life with me
Come play with me
Come share with me
Come be with me
Come walk with me
Come laugh with me
Come talk with me
Come last eternity with me
Come with me.
6/1 (Falling)
Falling harder
Little piece by little piece
Day by day
As we stay
The world slips by
Washed and clean
Old stains washed away
The rain falling
Cleaning out the old
Bringing life to t he new.
Little piece by little piece
Day by day
As we stay
The world slips by
Washed and clean
Old stains washed away
The rain falling
Cleaning out the old
Bringing life to t he new.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Leaf Blower
I have been going inside my mind often lately, kicking around with a leaf blower and seeing what turns up. You know what? Things live under leaves. These are not always cute cuddly things. Maybe i should rake more often?
Wild FLower
The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Many times in my life I have come to that point where two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Many times, I have taken the road less traveled; less traveled by most, the harder road to travel. The journey is worth it. The last 2 lines of this, are the most important. The roads I have chosen, have made all the difference in my life.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Many times in my life I have come to that point where two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Many times, I have taken the road less traveled; less traveled by most, the harder road to travel. The journey is worth it. The last 2 lines of this, are the most important. The roads I have chosen, have made all the difference in my life.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Prayer For Firefighters

I know its been around for a while, but I still like it. Like seeing an old friend again.
Prayer for Firefighters
When I am called to duty God, Wherever flames may rage,
Give me the strength to save some life, whatever be its age,
Help me embrace a little child, before it is too late,
Or save an older person from, the horror of that fate,
Enable me to be alert, and hear the weakest shout,
And quickly and efficiently, to put the fire out,
I want to fill my calling and, to give the best in me,
To guard my every neighbor and, protect his property,
And if according to Your will, I am to lose my life,
Please bless with Your protecting hand, my children and my wife.
Blessed Be all the do what we do.
Just Listen
This was written by a friend, it has a new meaning now, not so much as from me to someone, but more from someone to me. The words them selves, not so much as the tone and message.
Just Listen
Just listen for a moment
I have something to say.
I'm not sure how to say the words
Or what to make of my thoughts,
All I know is I still love you but I need time.
I need time to find out
This new infatuation will
Go on to more.
I don't want to hurt you,
Like I said I love you.
Just listen let me have time...time to see
What I need to do.
I'll always love you
That will never change,
But please let me try this new way.
Don't take any offense to this...this is not
In any way an attack against you.
Just listen to the words I had to say
And remember
Your love for me and
My love for you.
-Anonymous Friend
I can hear your voice in these words, no anger, just a plead for compassion.
Just Listen
Just listen for a moment
I have something to say.
I'm not sure how to say the words
Or what to make of my thoughts,
All I know is I still love you but I need time.
I need time to find out
This new infatuation will
Go on to more.
I don't want to hurt you,
Like I said I love you.
Just listen let me have time...time to see
What I need to do.
I'll always love you
That will never change,
But please let me try this new way.
Don't take any offense to this...this is not
In any way an attack against you.
Just listen to the words I had to say
And remember
Your love for me and
My love for you.
-Anonymous Friend
I can hear your voice in these words, no anger, just a plead for compassion.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
the trill of the chase?
while there is a thrill in the chase, for both the fox and the hound, where is the thrill for the horse?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Broken Shutter
This is my grandfather's 1958 Ricoh 300, a beautiful camera, that does not work. The shutter does not function. I have thought about trying to fix it myself, but I am not sure. I do not want to create more of a problem and break it more than it is. I do not have the money for the repairs nor film if i did have it repaired.
Building a Home
A marriage is a home. The spouses together are both the homeowners and the builders. If there should be fire and the house burnt down to the foundation, there are 2 choices, the builders/owners can sell the lot, with the foundation and be done with it, or, if there is still a good usable foundation still standing, they can build the house back up again and remodel it the way they both like it together. If they do, they should start with the framing and roof and work on the decorating/interior details later. The job can only be done with both builders, working together to the same goal. Sometimes, there are decisions to be made. Sometimes, one of the builders can be there, at the job site, tools and materials in hand waiting for the other builder to decided weather or not they will show up with tools and materials to start building. As with many things communication is key. The first builder on site needs only to hear from the other build that they are on their way, with the tools and materials, just running a little late, but they will be there. Then the first builder can get started on the work that it will take to re-build the home.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
We are like Oreo cookies, individually, just the inside, or just the outside is just kinda ok, but together we are an awesome cookie!
New Fascination
Ok, so, an fascination/interest I think may have just become a hobby. I have always loved taking pictures. The advent of digital cameras made it more affordable (only after buying the camera). I have started a new photo journal ( www.blipfoto.com/PheenyxFyre ) and all it took was a compliment from someone far better at this than I. I guess that was just the right nudge in the right direction that I needed. The down side, there are rules, and rules must be followed, or must they? The intent here is to post a photo daily, but I am not allowed to post 2 photos taken the same day. My problem is that i am not consistent enough with the camera. When it does come out, I take many photos. But not daily. I have found a way around that. I CAN post 1 photo a day, even if the photos were taken the same day. A simple right click here and there, and the photos were no longer taken the same day! MWAHAHAHA!!! (evil genius laugh). I think this will be fun, something new for me to do. An excuse to keep the camera handy, and mayhaps, eventually purchase a new one. Also an excuse to learn how to develop film. I have a wonderful old 35mm SLR that I love taking B/W photos with. Alas, it is in need of repair, the shutter no longer functions. Once that is fixed, I shall learn how to develop B/W film and have some fun with that. I will also be posting photos here as well, that way i can get away with posting more than just one a day. Comments welcome!
Never Stop Learning
Learning is good. I have always enjoyed learning, no matter what the subject. I have always known that, no matter how well you know someone, no matter how long you know someone, there will always be more to learn about them. Learning about someone is key to growing and keeping a relationship alive, once you stop learning, stop wanting to learn, the relationship withers and dies. Sometimes, it is not a matter of not wanting to learn, but the other not offering anything new to learn, this is just as damaging as not wanting to learn more. This can be one of the most difficult parts, how to offer something new to learn. I am still learning about myself and how to do things like this. Learning about oneself is just as important to be able to grow as a person. This is not just for romantic relationships, but for all interpersonal relationships, friends, siblings, child-parent, professional and all others. If you want the relationship to continue, and continue to grow, don't ever stop learning, don't ever stop offering new things to learn.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Little Girl Lost

I have a daughter, well actually I have 3 daughters. 2 of the lovely little girls are not biologically mine. One I have raised as my own since she was 4, the other, I have raised, as my own since birth. My only biological daughter, who is now 13, is a little clone of me, at least in looks and intelligence and wit. Her mother and i divorced when she was just 3. I went 3 years with out seeing her, due to her mother. She finally came to stay with me for just a little over a month 4 years ago. That was the last time I have seen her. Last march, my phone seized up on me and I lost all contacts. I lost all phone numbers for my ex-wife, but i still had an e-mail address. I notified her of this loss. It took months for her to finally give me her phone number so I could be able to call my daughter. In the last 3 years since i have seen her, not once has she called me, not because she didn't want to, but more because her mother would not let her. I had recently found my daughter on Facebook, I tried to contact her that way. Her mother declined the request and promptly blocked me. I recently sent an email to my ex-wife asking what hours I can call during the summer to talk to my daughter. I was told not to call until after Aug. 2nd. So I politely waited. Last night, Aug. 1st, my daughter called me. Excited? Now that would be an understatement! I had not heard her voice for a year. So sounded so grown up I almost didnt recognize her voice. I finally was getting my little girl back in my life, or so thought. She had only called to tell me to stop contacting her on Facebook, stop emailing her (I do not even have an email address for her), and not to bother calling again. My world just stopped. I had lost my daughter. I know this is really not her speaking, she used some phrases that were word for word the same that her mother used in an email to me recently. I know her mother has done this to her. She has stated under oath that she will do everything she can to keep me out of my daughters life. I do not know what she has been telling her, but I can guess. Just a little over a year ago, My daughter had a fight with her mother, and she had this to say to her "just 6 more years and I am out of here!" She obviously said that out of anger, (she has my temper, the poor thing) but the thought was still there. A 12 year old, counting down the years and perhaps months until she can leave her over bearing, controlling mother. Now, just a year later she tells me to stop all contact. What does this to a 13 y/o? What kind of parent drives that much of a wedge between her child and the child's father? I do not know the future, I can not say she will figure out the truth. Perhaps her mother has so damaged her that she may not think there is a truth to see. Maybe she will, I do not know. I can not visit, the police will be called, though i have done nothing. I can not call, the phone will not be answered (caller ID is a wonderful yet horrible device). I have lost her. I love my daughter, I always have and always will. I have not been the best at calling her when i did have the phone number, but i still did try to call her atleast monthly. That is all that i could handle of my ex-wife.
Little girls need their fathers or the one who has been a father to them for most of their lives. To steal that away from a child is unfathomable evil. It hurts not only the parent, but the child as well. A selfish act that hurts more than the intended. Sadly, my wife now, my loving wife who does understand these things so much better than most people, may be right. I do not know my daughter. I have never seen anything of hers. I have seen her once, for a month in 7 years. So is this really a traumatic loss? You bet your ass it is! I have been hurt by love, adult love, but nothing hurts more than to loose the love of a child at the hands of someone else.
I love you my little girl, and I always will.
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