Two Lovers were given a small clipping of a tree. This clipping was used as a decoration, a lovely decoration it was. She wanted to bring it home and keep it. The clipping still in water, started to sprout leaves. An idea she had, to nurture and grow this young tiny tree. As it grew, a larger and larger pot was needed, he would from time to time lovingly replant, feed and water this tree, often asking,"is it time yet?" The time he was asking of was the time to plant it, in their yard, with hopes of shade and beauty from this tree. As months became years, only a couple, the perfect time came. It was a day of planting, and cultivating, a new garden, to replace the old, a new place for a young tree that was too big for its pot now. tiny clipping stood nearly as tall as her. Often he would water, and feed the tree and pull the grass from around it to give it room to grow so that nothing would steal vital nutrients from it. As late summer came, the lovers were to part. As a final parting gift, he clipped 2 similar branches of this tree they both careD so much for. He told her "one for you, one for me, maybe they will both still grow to be another tree." The two lovers did part, with a piece of the decoration tree in hand. Both cared, on their own for the small clipping from the Decoration Tree, and it did grow again to be a tree.
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