These Lovers did part, but never really parted ways. They each lived, on their own. While on their own, they tended to the two small, similar clippings, watered, fed it, made sure it lived, gave it sun and space to grow. Time passed, the spring sun shown down on this growing tiny tree, each placed it outside to enjoy the warm spring air, in hopes of new leaves budding to life on the tiny tree. The leaves did come and growth did happen. he often thought fondly of his parted lover every time he watered and fed his tiny tree and noticed how it had grown, he had hopes for the tree. She also, often remembered her parted lover, when seeing how the tree had grown, she too had hopes for her tiny tree. As the tiny trees grew, no longer so tiny, but growing nearly half as tall as the lovers were. For time to time, the lovers did meet, but not always as lovers, but as friends. This friendship was the kind that could grow, while together, any tree. Summer came to where the lovers did live, on their own, the leaves of their not so tiny trees grew full, as they met frequently to admire the others tree. They had hopes for their trees. Fall was drawing near, leaves fell, silent on the floor in the warmth of the home, in the sunny window each kept the little tree in, bigger and still bigger pots were soon needed, its roots did grow.
Soon, as time passed, but not so long, the lovers did meet, and see the others tree, it was nearly as tall as she was, and she smiled at how well he had taken care of his little tree. he would ask, frequently, as before, "is it time yet?" Yes, the time had finally come for the plans for the little trees. They had both, grow so well. It was a day for planting and growing, for the tree, and the lovers. They both, with dirty hands, dirty knees, dug the perfect hole to place their trees in, side by side. They watered, fed and cared for their trees together. He would, as before, pull the grass from the trees, side by side, to make sure they grew healthy and strong. Soon, time passed, but not so long, the trees, wound, to and fro round and round one another, until the two small, similar clippings, given as a parting gift for lovers parting, grew as one, but with two distinct trunks. The tree had plans for the lovers. She often looked at how the tree grew, and smiled. He often, saw how the tree grew and also smiled. The tree grew quickly, before long, it was a beautiful tree, many times taller than the lovers were, giving shade to lie under, and protect the lovers. The two decoration trees did grow, as did the lovers, to never part again, yet with two distinct trunks. The tree provided for the lovers, given as a gift, a few times over as a decoration, to decorate their lives.
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